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Version: 2.10.0


A Luos node is the term that corresponds to each hardware component connected to a Luos network. In other words, each MCU connected into the system, is called a node. The node contains a package and one or more services, concepts that are going to be analyzed in the following pages.

The nodes are described by a set of characteristics that are unique and give them the opportunity to be separated the one from the other. These are:

  • node_id: node's unique id
  • certified: true if the node is certified
  • port_table: physical port connections

Each node hosts the embedded Luos API, which permits its communication with all the nodes of the network, by using the Luos communication protocol, called Robus, and specific message handling mechanisms, the Luos HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) for the mcu configuration and the embedded code of the different functionalities (services) of the specific node.